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The Tree of Life and our Planet

The Tree of life is Universes's gift to the celestial body Earth. The Tree of Life elevated the inanimate Earth to be the Blue Planet of our Galaxy

That fore John Milton venerated the Tree of Life in Lost Paradise.


Then, in a flowery valley, set him down

On a green bank, and set before him spread

A table of celestial food, divine

Ambrosial foods fetched from the Tree of Life.”

The Tree of Life by Gustav Klimt
Acting in the name of Tree of Life

The Conservation Movement has arisen in the Anglo-Saxon world in 1842 with the first conservation program lead by the botanist Alexander Gibson in Madras, India.[1]  In 1855, the Governor-General Lord Dalhouse started the first worldwide large scale forest conservation program, which spread to the United States when Yellow Stone National Park was opened in1872 as the first national park in the world.[2]

            The first nature protection law in the world was passed in 1869 in Great Britain with “The sea Birds Preservation Act.”[3] In May 1912, naturalist Charles Rothschild initiated the creation of the Promotion of Nature Reserves which became the Wildlife Trusts. In the 20th century efforts have continued worldwide on nature conservation front, which lead in 1992 to the “Convention on Biological Diversity”[4],[5] with the consequence of many action plans in many countries for the protection of species threatened by extinction.                                                                                             

Environmentalism as an ideology that advocates the preservation and restoration of the natural environment attempting to balance the relations between humans beings and ecosystems and is working with the concepts as biodiversity, ecology. land ethics and environmental ethics.[6] The ideology of environmentalism has generated a worldwide movement with roots in the 19th century. Although there has been increasing activism and growing legislation over the decades of the 20th century, the sixth extinction event is happening with an accelerated pace. [7],[8]

                We have that fore to stop for a moment and try to understand what is going on so terribly wrong. If you lose your way in the jungle and don’t have a GPS, you have to return to the starting point, and search the right way leading to your objective.

            We should return to the Professor Wilson’s concept of Biophilia with the aim to protect biodiversity and ecosystems, so as to further prevent or at least to stop the extinction of species. [9],[10] The concept of Biophilia defines the relationship of humans to nature and to the principles of conservation biology by advocating the natural resource management.[11],[12]  Conservation biology and ecology interfere and are relying also on the science of sustaining  evolutionary processes that stimulate genetics, population, species and ecosystem diversity.[13],[14]      

Although since 2000, the “landscape scale conservation”[15],[16] has gained priority, there are many biologists advocating the protection of high-profile species, species which if are extinct lead to the collapse of entire ecosystems. The world of insects is the backbone sustaining all other species. To participate in activities saving insects is probably the easiest approach for every person on the planet, and that fore we should try to commit ourselves to these activities.


Foot Notes

[1]Barton 2002, 48

[2] Aubrey Haines, The Yellow Stone Story: A History of our First National Park, vol.1. Rev. Ed, (Yellow Stone National Park, Wyoming: Yellowstone Association for Natural Science, History of Education,1996), 196.

[3] Baeyens and Martinez 2007, 282

[4] Convention on Biological Diversity, „ Convention on Biological Diversity United Nations 1992.”, cbd. 1992, Last accessed 01.13.2020, http://www/

[5] The Convention on Biological Diversity-Sustaining Life on Earth, “How the Convention on Biological Diversity promotes nature and human well-being,”07.07.2006-07.27.2007.,web.archive,Lastaccessed01.13.2020.;

[6] Merriam Webster Dictionary Online, “Environmentalism-Definition and More from the FreeMiriamWebsterDictionary,”,,LastAccessed,06.20.2010,

[7] Craig Kridel, Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies,vol.1, Environmentalism in the Class Room Curriculum, (Thousands Oaks, California, USA: Sage Publications,2010),341.[7]

[8] Jennifer Sinsel,2010, “ Earth Day Activities,” 04.15.2010, Lesson Planet, Last Accessed 01.13.2010

[9] Michael E. Soule, 1986, “What is Conservation Biolog,.” BioScience 35, No.11:727-734, Last accessed 01.13.2020, https://www/

[10] Fred Van Dyke, 2008, Conservation Biology Foundations, 2nd.ed (New York, USA: Springer Verlag), https://www.10.1007/978-1-4020-6891-1.

[11] Michael E. Soule, 1986, “What is Conservation Biolog,.” BioScience 35, No.11:727-734, Last accessed 01.13.2020, https://www/

[12] Fred Van Dyke,  2008, Conservation Biology Foundations, 2nd.ed (New York, USA: Springer Verlag), https://www.10.1007/978-1-4020-6891-1.

[13] Michael E. Soule, 1986, “What is Conservation Biolog,.” BioScience 35, No.11:727-734, Last accessed 01.13.2020, https://www/

[14] Fred Van Dyke,  2008, Conservation Biology Foundations, 2nd.ed (New York, USA: Springer Verlag), https://www.10.1007/978-1-4020-6891-1.

[15] Elizabeth L. Deakin,; James Feed,; Terry Sunderland,; Josh Van Vianen, “Integrated landscape approaches to managing social and environmental issues in the tropics: learning from the past to guide the future,”03.17.2016, Global Change Biology22, No.7: 2540-2554, Last Accessed, http://www.https://www/

[16] Helen Bellfield ,; Josh Gregory,; Niki Madras,;Nick Oakes, Louise Buck,; Krista Heiner,; Marco Lentini,; Sunita Sarkar,; James Reed, ;Klaus Ackermann,; Matthias hack,; Andreas Lange,; Corinna Wallrapp,; Frank Richter,; Mohammed Bakarr,; Miguel Calmon,; Rodercik Zagt,; Leida Mercado,; Amilcal Aguilar,; Toby Janson-Smith,;Naomi Swickard,; Carolyn Ching,; Tor-Gunnar Vagen,; Constance L. Neely,; Sabrina Chestermann,; Nguyen La,; “The Little Sustainable Landscapes Book-Achieving sustainable development through integrated landscape management,”05.12.2015,,

Cultural Heritage Preservation

The Human Mind, this amazing phenomenon of biological evolutionary processes is driven by curiosity, by reflection so as by the search for the meaning and the purpose of life, of our existence. When searching for meaning we have to understand the past, to give in the present time continuity to culture and traditions. When searching for purpose we have to understand the past, to be able to act responsible today for the future of coming generations.

Over the last 6000 years, cultures and civilizations have risen and fallen on our planet. We need to learn about the amazing developments of cultures and civilizations, but inasmuch about the challenges which preceded failures, disasters and setbacks. We need to know the impact of the forces of nature upon civilizations, so as the destructive consequences generated by conflagrations, revolutions and wars. We have to understand the tragedy of dehumanization preceding the dying of civilizations.

We cannot understand and learn from the past if we do not learn and understand History. It is more important than ever in humanity’s existence to involve the young generations with archaeology - the sibling science of history - as a tool of learning about earlier human societies, about their cultures, about their understanding of the beauty of architecture and arts, so as about their inhabitation with nature, with the natural environment.

As we are at a crossroad in our history, ecological conservation and heritage preservation have to merge as sibling processes if we want to save our Western civilization. The preserved heritage sites can teach us the needed lessons for the future, to grant biological conservations its mandatory place in the built environment.[1] Every civilization evolved by practices of cultural traditions, by inventiveness, technology and by using natural resources. The human mind was always fascinated by the grandeur and beauty of nature. When raising civilizations, the human beings have been in competition with nature and they have tried to change and dominate her. These days we have reached the aim to dominate certain aspects of natural forces, but meantime we are acting destructively upon nature and our civilization.

Learning history and visiting heritage sites are the sine qua non condition for paving our civilization’s way for the future.[2] Our civilization has the advantage of technology and knowledge, but without the wisdom lessons of history we will not be able to save our environment and avoid mistakes and errors which have destroyed earlier civilizations. 

Foot Notes


[1] Leifeste and Stiefel 2018, Sustainable Heritage. Merging Environmental Conservation and Historic Preservation ,46-76

[2] Helen Bellfield ,; Josh Gregory,; Niki Madras,;Nick Oakes, Louise Buck,; Krista Heiner,; Marco Lentini,; Sunita Sarkar,; James Reed, ;Klaus Ackermann,; Matthias hack,; Andreas Lange,; Corinna Wallrapp,; Frank Richter,; Mohammed Bakarr,; Miguel Calmon,; Rodercik Zagt,; Leida Mercado,; Amilcal Aguilar,; Toby Janson-Smith,;Naomi Swickard,; Carolyn Ching,; Tor-Gunnar Vagen,; Constance L. Neely,; Sabrina Chestermann,; Nguyen La,; “The Little Sustainable Landscapes Book-Achieving sustainable development through integrated landscape management,”05.12.2015,,

If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.

Baruch Spinoza

If we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find we have lost the future.

Winston Churchill 

So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for the whole world.


Stary Night

Vincent Van Gogh

Immanuel Kant

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